Is there a threat of a new referendum against pork knuckles in Bavaria?

The vegan V-Party³ has a real surprise in store for its political Ash Wednesday in Ergolding, Lower Bavaria. It was unclear for a long time, but now political rebel Sebastian Frankenberger has also confirmed his attendance as a Guest speaker confirmed.

The former ÖDP chairman gained nationwide attention in 2009 when, under his leadership, the referendum for the protection of non-smokers was successful against the opposition of the CSU. In 2015, he announced his retirement from politics. It remains to be seen what topic Sebastian Frankenberger wants to inspire the participants of the vegan political Ash Wednesday with.

The V-Partei³ believes it is possible that, following the farmers’ protests and the planned meat tax, a referendum against factory farming in Bavaria could now be initiated with expert support in order to revolutionize misguided agriculture.

The event on February 14 begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Bürgersaal Ergolding.

Roland Wegner (Federal Chairman of the V-Party³ and member of the Augsburg City Council) and Raffaela Raab, who has gained nationwide fame as a “militant vegan”, will also be speaking. Also taking part is comedian Stefan Walz, who will slip into the role of Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir. Steffi Steinecker will provide the musical accompaniment and the Munich model RosaLasić will host the event. Greetings will be given by the members of the state board Angelika Selbmann, Constanze Beck and the inventor of the vegan political Ash Wednesday, Johannes Kiermaier.

Admission is free.

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