„Change in the tourism industry. How can technology help get through these difficult times?“ The discussion fields of city, bus and cruise tourism are particularly exciting for guest and tourist guides. Our Managing Director Sebastian Frankenberger will discuss as a panelist and representative of DonauGuides GmbH together with Urlich Berger (Founder & CEO Guiding Group),…
Neuer Lehrgang zum Fremdenführer in Österreich
Es gibt in Österreich einen neuen Ausbildungskurs von Tourismus-Training. Modulhaft, größtenteils online, ein Praxiskurs mit einer optimalen Vorbereitung auf die Befähigungsprüfung durch erfahrene Vortragende für die theoretischen Fächer, aktive Guides und ehemalige Absolventen der letzten Jahre, sowie herausragende Partner in der Tourismusbranche. Ideal abgestimmt als berufsbegleitender Kurs. Die Krise ist die beste Zeit für Fort-…
New course for tourist guide in Austria
There is a new training course of tourism training in Austria. Modular, mostly online, a practical course with an optimal preparation for the qualification exam by experienced lecturers for the theoretical subjects, active guides and former graduates of the last years, as well as outstanding partners in the tourism industry. Ideally matched as a part-time…
New course for tourist guide in Austria
There is a new training course of tourism training in Austria. Modular, mostly online, a practical course with an optimal preparation for the qualification exam by experienced lecturers for the theoretical subjects, active guides and former graduates of the last years, as well as outstanding partners in the tourism industry. Ideally matched as a part-time…
New course for tourist guide in Austria
There is a new training course of tourism training in Austria. Modular, mostly online, a practical course with an optimal preparation for the qualification exam by experienced lecturers for the theoretical subjects, active guides and former graduates of the last years, as well as outstanding partners in the tourism industry. Ideally matched as a part-time…
New course for tourist guide in Austria
There is a new training course of tourism training in Austria. Modular, mostly online, a practical course with an optimal preparation for the qualification exam by experienced lecturers for the theoretical subjects, active guides and former graduates of the last years, as well as outstanding partners in the tourism industry. Ideally matched as a part-time…
New course for tourist guide in Austria
There is a new training course of tourism training in Austria. Modular, mostly online, a practical course with an optimal preparation for the qualification exam by experienced lecturers for the theoretical subjects, active guides and former graduates of the last years, as well as outstanding partners in the tourism industry. Ideally matched as a part-time…
Diskussion über die Zukunft für Gästeführer / Fremdenführer
Unser Webinar am 31.8.2020 ging mit über 600 Live-Teilnehmern aus 57 Ländern erfolgreich über die Bühne. Wichtige Ergebnisse der Präsentationen und Diskussionen waren: Offen sein für neue Technologien und Möglichkeiten durch Digitalisierung Neue Felder erarbeiten, z.B. Tour-Ideen für Einheimische entwickeln verstärkte Zusammenarbeiten zwischen den Guides Vielen Dank für die zahlreiche Teilnahme und das starke Interesse am…
Discussion about the future for tour guides / tourist guides
Our webinar on 8/31/2020 went off successfully with over 600 live attendees from 57 countries. Key outcomes of the presentations and discussions were: Be open to new technologies and opportunities through digitization Develop new fields, e.g. tour ideas for locals Increased cooperation between guides Thank you very much for the numerous participation and the strong…
Discussion about the future for tourist guides / tourist guides
Our webinar on August 31, 2020 was a success with over 600 live participants from 57 countries. Important results of the presentations and discussions were: Be open to new technologies and opportunities through digitization Work out new fields, eg develop tour ideas for locals increased cooperation between the guides Thank you for the numerous participation…