Passion in Perlesreuth

Every five years the Passion Society in Perlesreuth plays a great Passion for adults. And I was able to perform a children’s Passion with the group “Shalom”, as I did in 2018. Again, it was a very special experience. Especially the cooperation with the children.

I always apply a pedagogical concept to such projects, which often causes some confusion in the beginning. At rehearsals, I was a rather “easy-going” Jesus, joking with the kids and not liking to be captured. Some teachers were already confused and wondered whether this corresponds to their idea of Jesus. In the performance, however, I was exactly this loving, understanding, joyful Jesus who corresponds to the ideas.
The pedagogical concept behind this is that the children get a kick out of this looseness, join in the fun, there are little inside jokes, and they can look forward to the next rehearsal and performance.
Then, during the actual performance, when I really act and play very dignified and serious, the kids experience a wow effect and are completely different.
This makes the performances incredibly impressive and truly a worthy Passion.
Some teachers told me before that they could not believe that this concept would work in such a way and that they themselves questioned what their idea of Jesus was.
Is it that ever-loving, ever-kind person, or is that a transfigured image?

In any case, I and the children had a lot of fun and I am already looking forward to many new projects of this kind. And always a very big praise to Martin Göth From the group “Shalom”, who has been performing these children’s participatory games with enthusiasm for several decades now and has brought joy to so many children.
Thank you for this great time!