Discussion about the future for tourist guides / tourist guides

Our webinar on August 31, 2020 was a success with over 600 live participants from 57 countries.

Important results of the presentations and discussions were:

  • Be open to new technologies and opportunities through digitization
  • Work out new fields, eg develop tour ideas for locals
  • increased cooperation between the guides

Thank you for the numerous participation and the strong interest in the topic „Future for tourist guides“.

We would like to thank Alushca Ritchie from the World Association and Maren Richter from the German Tourist Guide Association for their reports on the activities of the associations over the past few months and their commitment, especially in these difficult times of the pandemic.

Special thanks also go to our panellists and tourism experts Burghart Lell (Avalon Waterways) and Dieter Hardt-Stremayr (Graz Tourismus) for their presentations and assessment of the situation and future of our industry.

All participants in the webinar will find the presentations and the recording of the discussion in our members‘ area. The access data for this was already sent to you when you registered.

If you were unable to view the webinar recording and would like to view it, you can use the following link to access our member area free of charge:


You are also welcome to forward this link to colleagues.

It is important to us that we guides stay in touch worldwide, exchange ideas and get information. Motivating each other is particularly important in these times. Participation and „checking“ this webinar are free for you again. Even if we do not calculate our own working hours, we still incur costs for the online technology (zoom). If you would like to support us with a donation, we are grateful for any amount.

We look forward to the next virtual meetings!
All the best and stay healthy.


Sebastian & Martha & Constantine
Team Guide Training