Some of our bike trips 2023

I was allowed to present eight bike tours on Thursday evening in the packed Forum Kirchdorf, which we carry out with our team of RadReiseGuides for Busreisen Weiermair.

For us, the focus is on cultural enjoyment cycling. It’s not about speed and kilometers. We get to know the country and its people, see sights along the way and learn about the history of each region in entertaining anecdotes.

Very important, of course, is a regional lunch and a stop for coffee, cake or ice cream. Whenever possible, we incorporate a tasting of local beers, wines and small bites.

We would be happy if you would join us on one or the other of Gerd ’s and my trips:

I can really recommend Weiermair Reisen to anyone who wants to„travel better with distance„. Josef Weiermair and his team take wonderful care of guests‘ needs. He pays absolutely fair fees to us tour guides and tourist guides. So the quality is right and there are unique experiences for the guests.